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Approved in Ultralight Category based on the Swedish Civil Aviation Administration Regulation. BCL-M 5.4. This Flight Manual applies only to the aircraft which Nationality and Registration Marks are noted on. the title page.

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A typical 2-seat AULA has a maximum gross weight of 1 232 lbs (560 kg) (770 lbs or 350 kg for a single seat), a maximum stalling speed of 45 mph in the landing configuration, and a minimum useful load calculated as ½ the horsepower plus 350 lbs (or 175 lbs for single seat). Back: Regulations See also: Preamble To Part 103 FAR PART 103: Ultralight Vehicles Subpart A-General 103.1 Applicability. 103.3 Inspection requirements. 103.5 Waivers. 103.7 Certification and registration. Subpart B-Operating Rules 103.9 Hazardous operations. 103.11 Daylight operations.

An ultralight aircraft is a fixed wing powered aeroplane that weighs no more than 480 kg, fully loaded for take off including the pilot, fuel and passenger (if permitted).

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The safety of these aircraft is of concern but information regarding accidents and fatalities has been meager. A true single seat ultralight requires no license to fly (assuming it meets the requirements of Part 103 for an ultralight aircraft).

Ultralight aircraft regulations

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A typical 2-seat AULA has a maximum gross weight of 1 232 lbs (560 kg) (770 lbs or 350 kg for a single seat), a maximum stalling speed of 45 mph in the landing configuration, and a minimum useful load calculated as ½ the horsepower plus 350 lbs (or 175 lbs for single seat). Back: Regulations See also: Preamble To Part 103 FAR PART 103: Ultralight Vehicles Subpart A-General 103.1 Applicability. 103.3 Inspection requirements. 103.5 Waivers. 103.7 Certification and registration.

Ultralight aircraft regulations

Basically an ultralight is an aircraft (the FAA calls it a vehicle) that has only one seat, (can carry one person only) holds a   17 Jan 2012 To some extent, Experimental Light Sport Aircraft (ELSA) regulations have a similar aim: to provide aspiring pilots greater freedom of flight. 16 Jun 2018 meant for large-scale RC aircraft.
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Ultralight aircraft regulations

It also discusses when an ultralight must be operated as an aircraft under the regulations applicable to certificated Regulation of ultralight aircraft in the United States is covered by the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14 (Federal Aviation Regulations), Part 103, or 14 CFR Part 103, which defines an "ultralight" as a vehicle that: has only one seat Is used only for recreational or sport flying Does not have a U.S. or foreign airworthiness certificate Part 103 defines an ultralight as an aircraft that meets the following criteria: If the aircraft has more than 1-seat or exceeds any of the above criteria, it's not an ultralight, and thus not eligible for operation under Part 103. These are the legal rules by which we fly; they are the most lenient in the world.

It discusses the elements, which make up the definition of ultralight vehicles for the purposes of operating under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 103. It also discusses when an ultralight must be operated as an aircraft under the regulations applicable to certificated aircraft.
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PDF 50 Years Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation. Development

Rating System - FAA Regulation - SOP-12-4 Revised 03/98 United States Hang Gliding Association, Inc. Standard Operating Procedures - 12-4 PART 103 - FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATIONS ULTRALIGHT VEHICLES. SUBPART A - GENERAL 103.1 APPLICABILITY This part prescribes rules governing the operation of ultralight vehicles in the United States. The second category is called an advanced ultralight aircraft (AULA) (see SkyReach BushCat photo). A typical 2-seat AULA has a maximum gross weight of 1 232 lbs (560 kg) (770 lbs or 350 kg for a single seat), a maximum stalling speed of 45 mph in the landing configuration, and a minimum useful load calculated as ½ the horsepower plus 350 lbs (or 175 lbs for single seat).

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PDF 50 Years Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation. Development

1. Definitions. An Ultralight = is a very light aircraft, heavier than air (with or without engine) that the max. take off weight must not exceed 500 kgs.