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It is common to find elongated grain and subgrain structure caused by the directional laser energy input in the LPBF process, which is related to the different printing parameters and brands of equipment. LOW CYCLE FATIGUE AND FRACTURE OF A COATED SUPERALLOY CMSX-4 S. Stekovic and T. Ericsson Department of Mechanical Engineering, Division of Engineering Materials Linköping University, Linköping Sweden, SE-58183, Europe ABSTRACT The objective of this study has been to examine fatigue and fracture behaviour under low cycle fatigue test conditions of the coated single crystal … 2019-7-9 · fcc Face Centred Cubic FEG Field Emission Gun hcp Hexagonal Close Packed HY High Yield LOM Light Optical Microscopy LY Low Yield M f Martensitic finish temperature M s Martensitic start temperature PAGB Prior Austenite Grain Boundary SE Secondary Electron … 2020-3-23 · Visiongain assesses that the global waste-to-energy market was valued at $16.4 billion in 2019, and it is expected to reach $22.6 billion by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.3% from 2020 to 2030. Read on to discover the potential business opportunities available. The emergence of Asia-Pacific as a major hub for WTE development is expected to provide growth 2021-3-21 · When typing in this field, a list of search results will appear and be automatically updated as you type. Search 2021-2-19 · Last week, blacksmith enthusiasts completed restoration work on the Häfla hammer in Finspang, Sweden. The 333 year old hydraulic hammer hadn’t been … Abstract Increased demand of energy efficiency for the components used in aerospace and energy industries requires high efficiency and low cost in the production of component made of nickel-based superalloy, such as aged Inconel 718.

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(credit: Anna Berend). fcc matrix and can inhibit the movement of the dislocations [13]. Cr, Fe and Mo X.-H. Li (&). Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, 61283 Finspång, Sweden. ery AB (Finspång, Sweden) is gratefully acknowledged. RR acknowledges Assessment of the diffu- sional mobilities in fcc Ni–Nb and fcc Ni–Mo alloys.