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Immunicum AB publ erhåller Fast Track Designation från
The present single arm Phase I trial (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02686944) assessed the safety and efficacy of ilixadencel in subjects with progressing advanced/metastatic GIST despite Immunicum AB (publ; IMMU.ST) announced today that it has received Fast Track Designation (FTD) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the Company’s lead candidate, ilixadencel, a cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer, for the treatment of the orphan indication, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST). To-date ilixadencel has been tested in a range of clinical trials in various solid tumor indications including metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC), hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and Press Release 7 December 2020 Immunicum AB (publ) Receives FDA Fast Track Designation for Ilixadencel in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) Immunicum AB (publ; IMMU.ST) announced today that it has received Fast Track Designation (FTD) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the Company’s lead candidate, ilixadencel, a cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer, for the Immunicum AB (publ; IMMU.ST) announced today that it has received Fast Track Designation (FTD) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the Company’s lead candidate, ilixadencel, a cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer, for the treatment of the orphan indication, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST). study of ilixadencel in patients with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) has been published in the journal, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy. GIST is a rare and difficult-to-treat disease indication and the trial met the primary endpoint of safety showing that ilixadencel in combination Patients with progressing advanced or metastatic GIST were administered ilixadencel intratumorally at a maximum dose of 10,000,000 allogeneic dendritic cells/mL per injection despite ongoing treatment with second- or later lines of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Ilixadencel is a cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer, for the treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS). The designation recognizes results from the Phase I/II clinical trial in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST), a rare and difficult-to treat cancer indication belonging to the group of cancers referred to as Soft Tissue Sarcoma.
Hastaların % 80-90' 15 May 2020 as a fourth-line treatment for advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), a type of tumor that originates in the gastrointestinal tract. GIST ler tüm gastrointestinal sistem tümörlerinin %1 den azını, gastrointestinal sistemden kaynaklanan mezenkimal tümörlerin ise %80'ini oluştururlar. Mide 21 feb 2021 överlevnad i fas II-studien MERECA med ilixadencel i njurcancer och gastrointestinal stromacellstumör (GIST) samt i kombination med Immunicum AB (publ) erhåller särläkemedelsstatus, ODD, från EMA för ilixadencel för behandling av gastrointestinal stromacellstumör (GIST). ilixadencel, säkerhetprofil och effekt i kombination med TKI:er. De inkluderade patienterna hade icke-operabel eller metastaserad GIST som Forskningsbolaget Immunicum har fått särläkemedelsstatus för ilixadencel för behandling av gastrointestinal stromacellstumör, gist.
Ilixadencel has been evaluated in clinical trials for a range of solid tumors, including a Phase II MERECA study in kidney cancer and Phase I/II studies in liver cancer and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). The FDA has granted the cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer ilixadencel an orphan drug designation for use as a treatment option in patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS), according to an announcement from Immunicum AB. Patients with progressing advanced or metastatic GIST were administered ilixadencel intratumorally at a maximum dose of 10,000,000 allogeneic dendritic cells/mL per injection despite ongoing treatment with second- or later lines of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs).
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Immunicum AB (publ) Receives Orphan Drug Designation from EMA for Ilixadencel as Treatment for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) Immunicum AB (publ) Receives Orphan Drug Designation from EMA for Ilixadencel as Treatment for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) Publicerad: 2021-02-19 (GlobeNewswire) Immunicum AB (publ) erhåller särläkemedelsstatus, ODD, från EMA för ilixadencel för behandling av gastrointestinal stromacellstumör (GIST) (GIST) i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Cancer Immunology, Immunoterapi som innebar en ytterligare validering av ilixadencel. GIST är en sällsynt och svårbehandlad sjukdom och studien visade att ilixadencel i kombination med olika tyrosinkinashämmare (TKI) hade en gynnsam säkerhetsprofil och påvisade initiala tecken på klinisk January 26, 2021 - The FDA has granted the cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer ilixadencel an orphan drug designation for use as a treatment option in patients with soft tissue sarcoma. Immunicum AB (publ) erhåller särläkemedelsstatus, ODD, från EMA för ilixadencel för behandling av gastrointestinal stromacellstumör (GIST) GIST is a rare and difficult-to-treat disease and the trial showed that ilixadencel in combination with different tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) had a favorable safety profile and provided initial signals of clinical benefit, with two out of six patients showing tumor shrinkage despite previous tumor progression on the same TKI. ilixadencel ännu inte uppnåtts, då data i denna grupp fort-farande är omogna. Den 7 december 2020 meddelade Immunicum dessutom att ilixadencel vid behandling av gastrointestinal stroma-cellstumör (GIST) erhållit Fast Track Designation från FDA. ••• cancer i bukspottkörteln Forskningschefen Alex Karlsson-Parra grundade Immunicum AB GIST-studierna uppvisar tydliga och lovande kliniska resultat för ilixadencel i kombination med tyrosinkinashämmare* samtidigt som ilixadencels fördelaktiga säkerhets-och tolerabilitetsprofil upprätthållits.
Immunicum ilixadencel HCC I/II topline resultat
专家点评. 整理:肿瘤资讯 来源:肿瘤资讯. 伊马替 9 Nov 2018 of scientific review of ilixadencel approach in Pharmaceutical Research. Immunicum announced end of enrollment in Phase I/II GIST clinical resultat från en klinisk fas I/II-studie i GIST patienter. I studien undersöktes säkerhet och tolerabilitet för. Immunicums ledande läkemedelskandidat, ilixadencel,. 23 Nov 2020 ilixadencel in combination with other immuno-oncology classes in orphan designations like Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (GIST), a need 19 feb 2021 ”Beviljad särläkemedelsstatus från både EMA och FDA för ilixadencel för indikationen GIST representerar ett viktigt steg framåt för Immunicum”, FDA has now granted ilixadencel Orphan Drug Designation for its potential use in sarcoma and liver cancer, and Fast Track Designation for GIST.
Immunicum AB (publ) erhåller särläkemedelsstatus, ODD, från EMA för ilixadencel för behandling av gastrointestinal stromacellstumör (GIST) Pressmeddelande 19 februari 2021
Hittills har ilixadencel testats i en rad kliniska prövningar i olika solida tumörindikationer inklusive metastaserad njurcancer (mRCC), hepatocellulärt carcinom (HCC) och gastrointestinal stromacellstumör (GIST) samt i kombination med olika typer av standardbehandling som tyrosinkinashämmarna Sutent® (sunitinib) och Stivarga® (regorafenib) och checkpointhämmaren Keytruda® (pembrolizumab). 2021-02-19
Ilixadencel is a cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer, for the treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS). The designation recognizes results from the Phase I/II clinical trial in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST), a rare and difficult-to treat cancer indication belonging to the group of cancers referred to as Soft Tissue Sarcoma. Immunicum AB (publ) erhåller Fast Track Designation från FDA för ilixadencel för behandling av GIST. Immunicum. Pressmeddelande. 7 december 2020.
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GIST is a rare and difficult-to-treat disease indication and the trial met the primary endpoint of safety showing that ilixadencel in combination Patients with progressing advanced or metastatic GIST were administered ilixadencel intratumorally at a maximum dose of 10,000,000 allogeneic dendritic cells/mL per injection despite ongoing treatment with second- or later lines of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Ilixadencel is a cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer, for the treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS).
För Immunicum var 2019 ett år fyllt med viktiga kliniska framsteg med huvudkandidaten ilixadencel. Kandidaten visade lovande potential i både MERECA och GIST-studierna från vilka man tillkännagav topline resultat under fjolåret.
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Immunicum AB publ erhåller Fast Track Designation från
The ilixadencel batch used for the first four GIST patients was produced at Cancer Center Karolinska, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden. Immediately before administration to the patient, the frozen vials were thawed and the cells were washed and resuspended in 0.15 M saline with 2% human serum albumin before administration. “Although the GIST study was a trial with few patients enrolled, they were all at an advanced disease stage, meaning that both the safety data and the signals of clinical efficacy are encouraging and support ilixadencel’s potential as a safe and effective cell-based cancer immune primer,” Alex Karlsson-Para, MD, PhD, CSO and interim CEO of Immunicum, stated in a press release. Pressmeddelande.
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Immunicum AB publ publicerar bokslutskommuniké 2020
Ilixadencel has been evaluated in clinical trials for a range of solid tumors, including a Phase II MERECA study in kidney cancer and Phase I/II studies in liver cancer and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST).